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Curacao Blue Boulders 30"- 36" Per Ton
Curacao Blue Boulders 30"- 36" Per Pound
Curacao Blue Boulders 30"- 36" Per Pound
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$34.99 will be added for each palletized or bagged material
Price Per Ton $499.99 Arizona Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $389.99
Savings: $110.00
Material Type: Granite rock
Level Of Experience Required: Some landscape construction experience required for best results
Typical Time Required: One day or less for most projects. Figure 3 Man Hours per ton for a finished project.
Equipment Needed: Small tractor, hand tools and 2 to 3 people needed for best results
Additional Materials Needed: Optional rock ruble, wood, steel or plastic edging for borders around boulders and planterbeds

Quantity in Stock:246

Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: 1023BLD30X36

Description Material Transport Photos & Liability
Curacao Blue Boulders 30" - 36"
Granite rock
Southern Arizona quarry
These boulders and crushed rock are shipped throughout Arizona, California, Nevada and beyond. Palleted material in California is also available.
These Curacao Blue Rocks and Boulders are as cool blue in color and exotic looking like a tall cold cocktail glass of Blue Lagoon, Blue Hawaiian, Sex In The Driveway, Deep Blue Sea, or other iced blue adult refreshments. Even a hot summer day feels cooler in the garden of these rock-hard ice cubes. Add some dazzle or a lot of bling to your landscape with Curacao Blue Rock, from a few inches to a few feet in size.
Curacao Blue Rocks and Boulders are among the most unique landscape boulders available. A hard granite rock that is coated with bold striking blue and turquoise color patina patterns resulting from the high copper mineral content in this rock. The color comes from copper elements in the rock being exposed to air and water. The blue color will often intensify over time. This material should not be used in water features where important fish like Koi are being raised.
Sex In The Driveway Drink
Blue Curacao Cocktails
Product Specifications and Uses
Boulders, Stones, Cobble, and Rip Rap are effective in creating scale, color, and texture contrast in open landscapes, dry and wet creek features, waterfalls, ponds. Boulders, Stones, Cobble, and Rip Rap are also very effective at steering foot traffic away from primary plantings to prevent damage to plants and worn out sections of the landscape.

The colors come of copper elements in the rock being exposed to air and water. The blue color will often intensify over time. This material should not be used in water features where important fish like Koi are being raised and viewed.

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